Comment to 'PP people and enthusiasts I need your opinions !'
  • Don't be embarrassed by asking questions, everyone starts some where. I feel I only know a page, in a very large book about these wonderful creatures. Imo~There is two parts to this. Because it also depends on the dog that you bring into your home. Because bringing say a highly reactive Gsd could act in every way that you are afraid of. Or with patience and Training (and lets not forget a good dog) you may have the best animal you have ever encountered. I find the more time I invest into an animal, the more it thrives. But...I'm also doing it right. The same dog could go to a bad trainer and turn out completely different. So where I'm going with this is...Get a good dog...Spend a LOT of time socializing while creating the proper attitude. Next step is, find a experienced trainer and sponge as much knowlegde you can! And on a side Note...I'm loud, wrestle with my hubby, he will throw me around while playing....And none of my dogs have ever reacted. :) We also have kids running around too!