Comment to 'PP people and enthusiasts I need your opinions !'
  • [quote1314887160=babigirl] Most cats and dogs can live together with out issue. I have two cats as well as a couple birds and a G.pig. My dogs know to leave well enough alone. Only one dog likes to "watch" the cats, Fenice. But at almost 6 has yet to do anything other then put her cold nose on their butts-lol. Depends on the Neo'. But if raised and trained correctly Neo's make awesome companions. The only draw back (imo) is the drool. There are many neo's in small packages, if you decide that my breed would be something your interested in I would be more then happy to refer you to someone who breeds towards a more compact Neo. Also Nothing that was done in Eragons training has changed him. Other then making him a bit more aware of his surroundings. Recently after having a few years of p.p. work, he (over last spring) passed his TDI and CGC. His personality has always been unique to him, and he is just as happy and clown like as Ever. Only now he "sings" to me when I touch his training equipment. [/quote1314887160] That's awesome, I think you are very intellgent person and have excellent leadership skills with your dogs. It would be interesting to analyze the protocol that you utilized to raise your dogs compared to mine. I started off super strict with Bernie and I think I might have ruined his confidence a bit but now that he is becoming an adult I am letting him come out of the shell and he is getting pretty gutsy on certain scenarios. He is still afraid to go in the bathroom lol so I have to carry him in haha. I would def consider a compact neo, let's see if my goals take place within the next few months and I get the house. For now all I can do is read and read some more. There aren't too many shows around here worth going to, plus the hurrican destroyed half my town so I have been slowly getting back into the groove of things :(