Comment to 'Lee, David and other Bandog breeders on this board !!'
  • [quote1327642779=KeyserSoze] [img:width=500&height=479]{e_FILE}public/1327640100_19198_FT86048_apbtwolfskull_.jpg"> [/quote1327642779] Now, as it goes for the skull comparison depicted here, one can very well derive insight into the respective bite force. When we examine the parietal braincase in size of the temporal fossa and especially the heavily protruding skull ridge (on the wolf), one can accurately assess the size of the termporalis, a massive jaw closing muscle. Same goes for the broad zygomatic arches where the masseters originate. These anatomical structures are much more precise to assess the actual bite force of an animal. And then, a wolf has a 33% larger skull than any dog of the same weight and body size.