Comment to 'Are all Men Dogs?'
  • [quote=dingobat]All women like cats. And most men like cats to catch the woman who likes cats. but when she's not looking men kick the cat. Cats have been known to be responsible for clearing house space. They are supposed to take away negative energies. but I figure that is only if ya like em. I hate cats. They kill the wild life. and here in Oz there are many native animals that the cats get to. In fact there is a plague of them on the Nullabor Plain. Cats as big as dingo's. The cats are that big that they'd probably win in a cat/dog fight. However, men do make excellent pets so maybe men are really dogs in disguise. Ah but which is more faithful and loyal?[/quote] ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT DINGO PUPS OR OVERSIZED CATS