Comment to '100 Years of Breed "Improvement"'
  • As far as strict interpretation of the breed standard, I think that is impossible. Interpretation is left up to human interpretations. We all see things differently. The standard is the same. What one judge sees as a plus another judge misinterprets it. The reality is it is a fault. Just like pointed out the kicked tail on the Pug is a fault. The ridged back on the ridge back is a fault.

    I think the standards should be fixed. I think the judge should know them if they are judging them. But I know every judge is supposed to have in their mind the perfect example of what the standard should look like and judge the dogs based upon that imaginary image. i know that each judge will have a different image. I also know that judge will choose a dog over another dog and they are only supposed to pick the dog that closely matches their imaginary image of the breed standard.