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Molosserdogs.com at the Crossroads - Updated

Hello Molosser Fans,

I think it is time to give you an update on this post that I made about a year ago. Firstly, I do enjoy providing a platform for us to share information about the molossers and I have made some friends through this website. We have, over the years connected many fans of our favorite breeds with each other and facilitated the sharing of information.

Many of our members and visitors have seen the site change over the years from a mere gallery, to a forum and gallery, to a content management system, and now to the second iteration of a social network platform. This platform is where we have landed and at this time I do not see a reason to change platforms anymore.  So lets call this site the final version of MD as it has all the features deemed necessary for our purpose of showing our love for the Molossers and other dogs.

So, though the membership and activity of the site has taken a massive hit by the advent of the social media giants, we will keep the site running as long as it is economically feasible to do so.

Over the past few months I have spend many hours configuring and tweaking the site to make it mobile friendly and better organized so I think that job is almost done.

ONLY one major thing left to do is to import all the articles, and breed profiles from the original site.  In the interim the articles and profiles can still be viewed at http://molosserdogs.com/dolphin/m/articles/home//dolphin 

There is also an extensive gallery of photos at http://molosserdogs.com/gallery

Note that the old site based on dolphin allowed username login.  The new site requires email address to login as it provides better security. If you have forgotten your email address used to register on MD please email molosserdogs@yahoo.com and I will sent you the info.

You can help by being active on the site from time to time and using the built-in features to share things on Twitter, Facebook. Please spread the work and lets get some activity back on the site.

Best wishes.


Previous post:

As I consider the history of molosserdogs.com and the expense and effort that has gone into developing and maintaining the site, I have to now make a decision of whether to keep it going. We have some loyal members who visit frequently but I am aware the Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have taken the majority of members away from community sites like this one.

Over the next few weeks, I will discuss the future of this site with a few friends of MD and then decide if I archive it and shut it down.  When we consider the negligible level of activity and postings it makes it difficult to continue to justify the expense and time to maintain the site.

If you have a comment on whether the site should remain active and online please post it now.

Also, if there is enough activity (forum post, articles, blogs, photos, etc) to justify the presence on the web, that may help in the decision.

Best regards,


MD Admin

Comments (23)
    • Thank you all for your comments.  Decision coming in a couple days. looking good so far.

      • Thank you all for your comments on this important subject.  

        I have decided to keep the site going for the foreseeable future. Will also start a campaign to get more activities going by engaging with the large social media platform.  You can help by sharing this link in any dog related topic or post on Facebook 


        This link will directly login anyone who is logged into Facebook on their phone or computer. Thank you for your support and consideration. 



        Best regards,


      • We are good for another year as I just paid for the dedicated server. Yeahhh.. Lets so how things go moving forward.
        Considering the activities of Facebook and how they treat their members' information I thought for sure we would see a few more dog lovers over here.
        • Hello Molosser Fans,

          I think it is time to give you an update on this post that I made about a year ago. Firstly, I do enjoy providing a platform for us to share information about the molossers and I have made some friends through this website. We have, over the years connected many fans of our favorite breeds with each other and facilitated the sharing of information.

          Many of our members and visitors have seen the site change over the years from a mere gallery, to a forum and gallery, to a content management system, and now to the second iteration of a social network platform. This platform is where we have landed and at this time I do not see a reason to change platforms anymore.  So lets call this site the final version of MD as it has all the features deemed necessary for our purpose of showing our love for the Molossers and other dogs.

          So, though the membership and activity of the site has taken a massive hit by the advent of the social media giants, we will keep the site running as long as it is economically feasible to do so.

          Over the past few months I have spend many hours configuring and tweaking the site to make it mobile friendly and better organized so I think that job is almost done.

          ONLY one major thing left to do is to import all the articles, and breed profiles from the original site.  In the interim the articles and profiles can still be viewed at http://molosserdogs.com/dolphin/m/articles/home//dolphin 

          There is also an extensive gallery of photos at http://molosserdogs.com/gallery

          Note that the old site based on dolphin allowed username login.  The new site requires email address to login as it provides better security. If you have forgotten your email address used to register on MD please email molosserdogs@yahoo.com and I will sent you the info.

          You can help by being active on the site from time to time and using the built-in features to share things on Twitter, Facebook. Please spread the work and lets get some activity back on the site.

          Best wishes.







          • Thank you for all your comments and support. Best regards. Gary

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