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Bangara Mastiff

While some believe that the Bangara Mastiff is the same breed as the Himalayan Bhotia Sheepdog, there are clear differences both in appearance and temperament. The Bangara was developed from various types of the Tibetan Mastiff by the Tehri Gahrwallas for protection of their yak herds and homes. The ancient Bangara Mastiff was rarely used for herding livestock, but rather for guarding and hunting duties in the Himalayas. It should also be noted that the Bangara (Bang-hara) is not the same thing as the rare Banjara (Ban-Djara) Mastiff or the more common Banjara Hound, even though these Indian breeds are related.

Terrirorial, stubborn and massive, this powerful Molosser is not suited for inexperienced handlers. The Bangara is very aggressive towards dogs and has reportedly been used for fighting, as well as in development of some Asian fighting breeds, including the aforementioned Indian Banjara Mastiff. The body is squarely built, deep-chested and broad-shouldered.

The long harsh coat comes in either black-n-tan or brown-n-tan colourings, with some white markings allowed on the chest and feet. Average height is around 27 inches.

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