Turkish Shepherd Dog

Apart from the standardized and distinct breeds found under the Turkish Shepherd Dog "umbrella", such as the Kangal and Akbash, there isn't really a clearly defined and set breed type for sheepdogs of Turkey. Depending on the individual dog's heritage, it can have the physical build of a Yoruk Dog and the colouring of the Kangal, or the coat length of a Kars Dog with the body of a Gammal and colour of an Akbash and so on. While varying in type, the Turkish sheepdogs are all bred for work, with the dogs' agility, courage and health as primary guidelines. And taking into consideration that a pure Kangal or an Akbash aren't as affordable as a common village dog, it isn't surprising that the Turkish Shepherd Dog is the most common worker in its homeland. Usually overlooked and under-appreciated by the majority of Kangal fanciers, the Davar Iti is a very capable protector of livestock and property, prized for its intelligence and drive by the peasants and herdsmen of Turkey. However, as there isn't a set type in terms of appearance, there is also a considerable lack of uniformity in personality traits within the entire population of these rugged sheepdogs. Some dogs are docile and friendly, some are aloof and suspicious, while others are quite vicious and difficult to handle. Those examples that fail to prove themselves as reliable herders and protectors are oftentimes assigned the role of a yard watchdog, usually left tied up their entire life. The dogs that aren't territorial or driven enough for that job are usually let loose in many villages to become common street dogs, collectively known under the name Sokak Kopegi. Matings between these street dogs and other breeds are common, sometimes resulting in good working dogs, which are often re-introduced into the bloodlines of Turkish Shepherds, creating an even greater variety within its population.
Regardless of type, the majority of Turkish Shepherd Dogs are muscular, lean and athletic, with fairly long legs and strongly-boned bodies. In general, the facial features are either lupoid or only slightly heavier, rarely belonging to the pure mastiff head-type as associated with the Kangal, although massive dogs can be seen on occasion. Some specimens have cropped ears and docked tails, but most dogs are left unaltered.
A wide range of coat types and colourings can be seen within the group, although there is a certain degree of uniformity associated with specific regions of the country, where the dogs are bred with some appearance expectations in mind, but only as a secondary requirement to character, courage and working ability. The height can vary significantly depending on the area, from dogs that are 25 inches tall to those specimens that exceed the height of 32 inches at the withers.