• Seemingly innocuous foods can be risky for a dog, depending on its size and how much is eaten. Here are some examples: Alcohol=It depressesbrain function and can cause coma. So no pina coladas for Fido-not for fun and not by accident with party leftovers. Coffee=The caffeine in a cup of java is a methylxanthine compound that can increase a dog's heart rate and trigger seizures. Chocolate=The chemical theobromine can be fatal. Just three ounces of dark or seven of milk can bring on vomiting in a 50-pound dog. Macadamia nuts=Experts have yet to determine why just a few of these nuts can produce tremors, even temporary paralysis, in a dog's hind legs. Garlic= Garlic breaks down a dog's red blood cells, leading to anemia and possible kidney hemoglobin. Onions= Their damage to canine hemoglobin is cumulative, so small tastes over time can be worse than wolfing down the whole bulb. Grapes= Toxicologists have found that grapes and raisins can cause renal failure. They're still trying to learn why. Got this information from National Geographic Magazine, thought I would share this with my fellow MD members. :D