Comment to 'Tibetan Mastiff in China'
  • [quote=Chortens]Am I talking with Maurizio? I wouldn't normally talk on an open forum without knowing to whom I'm speaking.[/quote] no,i'm not maurizio (even if i'm a friend of him, since a few years trying to help him in his breeding job,and sharing almost completely the same ideas about tibetan dogs),my name is stefano. i believe there is no more reason for going on arguing on colors,size,temperament and different types amongs tibetan we do have evidences,videos,and pictures! if historic accounts are not so accurate about different sub-types,couldn't this be because most travelling reporters where not expert cynologist? anyway even in historical drawings and old photos you can see different kinds of dogs.... that is quite obvious if you consider "continental insularity" effects on a widely-scattered population. from my point of view,many TMs do not fit FCI standard...but also FCI standard do not completely fit correct tibetan type... the only reason for introducing a "new" breed is that most of european breeders will not concede that their dogs are "himalayan sheperds",or whatever else,not Tibetan Mastiff...(what an excellent "trademark",isn't it?) i think the good way to proceed should be that of starting breeding separately "some" dogs...somehow "high quality" dogs...this is why "tsang khyi" seems to be a good name for them! different types amongst the breed is not a problem,in my opinion,just because different types ACTUALLY exist in their native chinese standard is (correctly) talking about "lion" and"tiger" type. also different colors are attested by modern pictures from native land! coming to your dogs,i cannot but remember and congratulate for your unforgettable Ben...his blood is in my dogs too!