Comment to 'Original TMs'
Comment to Original TMs
  • [blockquote]Jobs for which breeds were bred 100+ years ago are no longer in need. Many MANY breeds are taking up the job of housedog/ companion as apposed to guardian/hunting/retrieving/ ect...[/blockquote] the above is an excuse... [quote=bushlover]Good points TMMum. I see that all working breeds will soon become useless as workers and relegated to house pets. Sad times for the canine specie.[/quote] nahhh thats not even close...expand your mind and think...theres a bigger and more diversed world out there than your specific community or because you don't partake in the below activities...doesn't mean there isn't alot of folks out there doing them and using various breeds for thier intended functions... duck/goose huntin isn't going away = retrievers are doing what they've been bred to do... pheasant/quail hunting isn't going away = pointers/flushers hoghunting isn't going away = bulldogs used for holding and curdogs finding and baying... ranches/farms aren't going away = herders, lgd's and cowdogs doing thier thing as intended... protection and security needs with use of canines isn't going away due to crime = many breeds doing as intended and trained to do... plenty of opportunity for vermin control = terriers/earth dogs doing thier intended jobs... sighthounds/lurchers are still used for coursing and from hunting to sar = various hounds used for tracking the only one i can quickly think of is "deer hounds"...don't know where that is legal any more...but various breeds that were used for deer are inturn used in hoghuntin or crosses for such...