Comment to 'paw yeast infection'
  • We have not had any issues with paw yeast infections. It is normally attributed to high carbohydrate/grain diets and the moist paws are a perfect place for yeast to present.

    "Yeast infections and foot fungus can occur in dogs as well as humans, and are generally the result of a diet that is high in yeast. The body turns carbohydrates into sugar, therefore your dog should avoid a high-carbohydrate diet while being treated for yeast infection. Feed her a diet rich in low-glycemic vegetables instead of things like potatoes, corn, rice and wheat, all of which are carbohydrates. Use homemade rinses and ointments prescribed by veterinarians to treat yeast infections on dog paws. A dog's moist paws create an ideal environment for yeast to thrive."

    We do not feed kibble as a general principle - sometimes we do mix a little no grain/wheat/rice kibble into the raw food. We do use Taste of the Wild (sometimes blue buffalo) for that - have not had any yeast problems with our dogs.  But then again we live in Texas and "moisture" is not generally a problem.

    Link to quote above.