Comment to 'paw yeast infection'
  • Thats interesting Gary, after that read I dont think I will try it. I did speak with my vet about colloidal silver as mentioned and he suggested trying that as well so I am definitely going to be giving that a try as well.

    I have been doing daily foot soaks in water and vinegar and he is actually doing better. I still have him on apoquel as well. As mentioned previously the goal should be to keep his feet clean and dry, besides the water and vinegar foot soaks, I have a antibiotic cream and spray that I apply to his feet after the foot soaks. Another thing that I have been doing is keeping him outside a bit more, my theory on this is because the dirt in the yard, is very dry, dusty, dirt, so it should help keep his feet dry as well. I have been thinking about maybe trying human foot powder for his feet as well just to keep them dry. I think a huge part of the problem was his feet chronically being wet from all the puss and stuff oozing out. Keeping them dry as best as I can should make a difference. also we do frequent washing with chlorexidine/ketoconazole shampoo, and also a mild bleach/water foot soak as well. His feet are currently the best they have been in a long time.


    I gotta say thank god for all the help here! and I am excited to try the colloidal silver as it sounds like his dog had the identical problem to mine.