Able Bulldog
The ABLE Bulldog is a breed created by Mike May of Serenity Kennels Leavitt and Able Bulldogs in Pennsylvania. The foundation dogs are 50% American Bulldog(AB) and 50 % Leavitt Bulldog(LE). Initially the breed was born out of the concept of adding outcross blood to the relatively young Leavitt Bulldog gene pool. "Being an owner of both breeds, I began to see how each respective breed could help to clean up/compliment the other".
The Able Bulldog is a working bulldog created out of two working bulldog breeds. The Able Bulldog should be able to perform any of the tasks the American and Leavitt Bulldogs were created to perform, including, catchwork, personal protection,property guardian,weightpull,therapy work,sport work, all around property/farm utility dog, and of course, best friend and companion.
Paramount to the breed is a stable temperament with a great willingness to please his master, no matter what is asked of him. The Able Bulldog is a healthy,structurally sound bulldog, a benefactor of hybrid vigor. The Able Bulldog is a strong willed,intelligent bulldog that does best when given a job, a bulldog that wants and needs a master. The Able Bulldog should exude the power,strength,tenacity and grit of the true bulldog and, at the end of the day it should be a dog that wants nothing more than to curl up with its owner and be loved.
This description is submitted by Vinay.
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