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American Dogge

American Dogge

Very rare and fairly unknown, the American Dogge was created in the late 1990's by crossing the Great Dane with the American Bulldog. Ron Price and Jonathan White, the developers of this large Molosser, wanted to establish an American counterpart to the popular Deutsche Dogge of Germany, as well as revive the old working type, sometimes referred to as the "Pioneer Dane". By breeding for size and bulk, they encountered some problems early in the programme, such as hip and elbow issues. To combat these troubles, Price and White decided to introduce another breed into their bloodlines, opting for the English Bullmastiff as the ideal outcross. A small percentage of Bandogge and Dobermann blood was reportedly used as well, before re-introducing the selected Great Dane strains back into the programme. Outcrosses are no longer used in the breeding and the American Dogge has been bred to a consistent standard since 2001, but the breed remains rare and unrecognized.

This massive dog is bred for companion life and guarding duties, but it matures slowly and is reportedly quite stubborn and independent, making it somewhat of a challenge to train. Protective and territorial, the Pioneer Mastiff is only moderately dog-aggressive, but can be very reserved and suspicious around strange people, needing early socialization and responsible handling. The American Dogge resembles the Great Danes of the past, having a slightly shorter neck, wider chest and a more compact and leaner body. Strong-willed, powerful and athletic, this large mastiff needs an experienced owner and lots of excercise. The ears are preferred in their natural state, whereas the tail can be either docked or unaltered.

The flat coat is short and smooth, allowed in all solid colourings except uniform white and blue. White markings on the face, chest and feet are acceptable, but aren't favoured. Average height is around 30 inches, with taller dogs preferred.

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This profile gives a very accurate description of the origin, purpose and current status of the breed. You may find some of the information published here to be different from what you will read in breed books, published encyclopedias and on other websites. Unlike the articles usually found in most of those sources, the MD breed Profiles are a result of many years of actual research and travelling around the world. However, since most of the Profiles have been written over the course of the past 15 years, some of them might need to be updated. We do not distort the information, but rather state our perspective on the breeds based on our extensive research and contributed information. If you have any additional info that you believe we might find interesting, feel free to let us know about it. Constructive feedback is welcome - disparaging remarks are not. Enjoy!
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