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American Lo-Sze Pugg Dog

General Appearance: A toy dog, intelligent, alert, sturdy with a thick-set body, showing boldness and self-esteem. Head: Should not look large for the size of the dog but should show a broadness, skull should be wide and flat between the ears, wide between the eyes. Eyes: Large, round overly protruding eyes are considered a fault, any color. Stop: Deep. Nose: Should be wide with open nostrils, any color. Ears: Set rather high on head, drop and rose type are both permitted, drop ears should fall mid-eye level to just below. Muzzle: Very short and broad, not overshot or pointed, nose wrinkle is preferred. Jaw and Bite: Chin must be undershot with upward sweep. The incisors of the lower jaw must protrude over the upper incisors, and the lower jaw should be rather broad and strong. Neither teeth nor tongue should show when mouth is closed. A wry mouth is considered a fault. Incisors should be in a straight row, not bunched and tilted. Shape of body: Rather long, broad chest, level topline, stocky. Neck: Rather short and moderately thick. Tail: Set high and carried up over the back, resting on either side, in a full or loose curl. Forelegs: Moderately short with good bone substance, set moderately wide apart. Curved. Hindlegs: May be slightly lighter in bone substance than forelegs but firm and well shaped. Feet: Large, flat, not round. Forefeet slightly out. Coat: Short, soft, and smooth with an undercoat. Color: All colors and patterns. Weight: 7 to 14 lb. Gait: Strong and free. Temperament: A sensitive and intelligent dog whose only purpose is to serve man as a companion. Responsive and affectionate with those he knows and loves but can be reserved with strangers, when not properly socialized, taking time to warm up to them.
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