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American Water Spaniel

The American Water Spaniel was developed from common working crosses between English and Irish Water Spaniels, Curly-Coated Retrievers and Field Spaniels of the 19th century, but it was standardized and formed into a breed in the 1920's by a Wisconsin physician named F.J.Pfeifer. Recognized in 1940, this versatile hunting dog is still rarely seen in the show ring and it remains one of the most popular American working retrieving breeds, especially in Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. The American Water Dog has even been proclaimed the State Dog of Wisconsin. As a family pet, this is generally a playful and loyal breed, but it can be quite aggressive towards strange dogs and unknown people. It is better suited for rural environments because it loves to bark and howl. The American Water Spaniel is an athletic hunter and it enjoys a lot of exercise and responds well to training.

The oily, waterproof coat varies in terms of curling, acceptable from slight uniform waves to close tight curles, coming is solid brown, liver and chocolate colours. Average height is around 17 inches.

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