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Anglo-Russian Hound

Created in the 1800's by crossing the Russian Hound with imported English Foxhounds, the Anglo-Russian Hound has never reached the popularity of the original Ruskaya Gontchaya, but has been accepted by many hunters in Russia and valued for its drive and colouring. The breed has traditionally been used for hunting small game, but the Pegaya is also a good hunter of foxes and wolves, when used in packs and alongside the Russian Hound and the Borzoi. In the years following WW2, the breed's name was changed to "Russkaya Pegaya Gontchaya" to distance it from its western heritage, but many other names have remained in use, including the Anglo-Russian Hound, but the most common one in Russia is Pegaya, meaning "spotted" or piebald. Over the last two decades of the 20th century, the quality and uniformity of the breed has significantly improved, eliminating regional types and size variations seen in the past. Today, this is a fairly popular breed in its homeland, both as a hunting dog and as a competitor at Shows.

Smaller than the Russian Hound, this rugged worker is an agile and tenacious hunting breed, prized for its visibility and voice, courtesy of the English Foxhound in its ancestry. The Russian Tricolor Hound is an energetic and playful dog, but is better suited for rural homes than urban environments, needing a lot of excercise and work. The body is powerful, muscular and deep-chested, with an elegant head and strong legs.

The coat is short and thick, always white in colour with reddish-fawn and black markings. Average height is around 24 inches.

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This profile gives a very accurate description of the origin, purpose and current status of the breed. You may find some of the information published here to be different from what you will read in breed books, published encyclopedias and on other websites. Unlike the articles usually found in most of those sources, the MD breed Profiles are a result of many years of actual research and travelling around the world. However, since most of the Profiles have been written over the course of the past 15 years, some of them might need to be updated. We do not distort the information, but rather state our perspective on the breeds based on our extensive research and contributed information. If you have any additional info that you believe we might find interesting, feel free to let us know about it. Constructive feedback is welcome - disparaging remarks are not. Enjoy!
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