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Aur Cheuan Mastiff

Related to dogs of Tibet and Central Asia, the Menggu Ao is sometimes seen as a type of the Tibetan Mastiff. This Mongolian breed is commonly used as a guardian of livestock and villages, but also as a MEAT dog in some regions. This is a serious and sharp watchdog, very territorial and suspicious of strangers, although it is gentle and playful with its master's family. The Menggu Ao is fairly dog-aggressive and needs early socialization. The breed is intelligent and trainable, but it can be stubborn at times, even in adulthood.

The Aur Cheuan Dog is fairly massive and well-boned, described as being somewhat sluggish, although the working examples are leaner and much more agile, while the ones kept for food tend to be heavier, due to their rich diet and lack of excercise. The back is broad and straight, with strong legs and a deep chest. The tail is richly coated and carried over the back.

The coat is dense and rough, coming in shades of red, black, white, black-n-tan and black-n-white. The height varies greatly, from specimens that are 23 inches tall to those well over 29 inches at the withers.

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