Australian National Kennel Council Interim Standard 1994Australian DingoCLASSIFICATION: Spitz/Primitive
ORIGIN: Australia
PLEASE NOTE: Recognition by the A.N.K.C. of the Australian Dingo as a pure breed of dog does not allow the exhibition, breeding or ownership of Australian Dingos in those States of Australia where private ownership, breeding or exhibition of the Australian Dingo is unlawful.
GENERAL APPEARANCE - An elegant, medium sized dog of great agility, speed and stamina. The Australian Dingo is longer than high and appears high on leg yet stands over a lot of ground. He is upstanding, but gives the impression of being able to drop in an instant. Ever alert, hardy and rangy and instantly reflexive, carrying not an ounce of excess flesh.
CHARACTERISTICS - Strongly individualistic, sensitive, highly intelligent, gentle, curious and affectionate. The Australian Dingo does not bark but is not entirely mute.
TEMPERAMENT - Generally cautious, seldom slavish or demonstrative to strangers.
HEAD AND SKULL - The whole head and expression is distinctive, somewhat coyote like. It is wedge shaped and appears slightly large in relation to the whole dog but is never coarse. The skull is high behind the ears, with well developed occiput, very broad through the zygoma and flat between the ears. In profile, slightly rounded from crown to stop with a distinct median furrow. From lower jaw to crown there is great depth. The skull narrows in front of the eyes to the muzzle, which is strong, straight, of good length, and tapering only very slightly to the well open nostrils which are black, or liver in light colored dogs. The cheek muscles are deep and well developed, but flat. The muzzle is deep, clean and powerful with well developed under jaw which is also visible as a strong chin from the front. The lips are tight fitting yet covering the exceptionally long saber-like teeth.
EYES - Almond shaped, obliquely placed, medium sized, hazel to dark with knowing, calm, far-seeing, intelligent expression. Eye rims dark.
EARS - Sensitive and expressive, hooded, mobile, upright and triangular with slightly rounded tip. Set on top of the skull, fine in texture with orifice directed forward, though the ability to flatten and rotate either or both ears alertly is obvious. Small to medium in size, never large or thick. The lobe is small giving the ear an exceptionally neat and vertical outer edge.
MOUTH - The incisors are even, well developed and arranged in a scissor bite. There is full dentition.
NECK - The neck is well developed, moderately long and hard muscled, fitting well into shoulders and backline and carrying the head loftily.
FOREQUARTERS - The chest is narrow to medium in width, the brisket long and carried well back beyond the elbows denoting enormous stamina. The shoulder blades are wide and well laid back, the upper arms long and slightly angled back. The pasterns are strong and springy.
BODY - The back is strong, straight, very well ribbed back, showing no sign of slackness. The ribcage is light and racy. The loin is not short but shows a rise and dry muscular development, somewhat waisted in appearance, further signifying speed and agility.
HINDQUARTERS - The croup is broad and long, angled to suit diverse terrain, flatter for open country, and steeper for mountainous country. The length of the pelvis will give rise to deep thighs which are of corresponding length to forequarters. There is great length from hip to hock, and moderately turned stifle which is well let down, as is the hock. Second thigh is long to balance with upper thigh. There is enoughlength of rear pastern to act both as a spring for jumping and as an efficient lever for speed and endurance. The entire hindquarter is sound and powerfully muscled.
FEET - Front: Medium sized, oval and thickly padded. There is a protection of hair between the pads. Feet may turn slightly outwards. Nails are strong and short.
Hind: Oval, of medium size.
TAIL - Set well behind hipbones, of medium length. Flattish, broadening from one third behind the base to mid length then tapering to end.
GAIT/MOVEMENT -Light, free and totally efficient without undue flexion. Capable of suspended gallop, canter, brisk trot and loping walk.
COAT - Varies from a dense dry undercoat with a sparse outer coat of coarse protective guard hairs in cool climates, to a hard single coat in warm areas. The Dingo reflects his surroundings.
COLOR - Red, ginger, gold to palest cream, and black and tan. Lighter colors may show variable amounts of dark guard hair and points including face mask, and lighter shades on throat, inside legs, on underbelly and under tail. Black and tan dogs have points varying from tan to cream, on feet and pasterns, inside legs, chest, throat, cheeks and eyebrows and vent. All colors may have white spots restricted to feet, chest spot, neck flash, underbelly and tail tip.
SIZE: 52-60 cm for dogs; less for bitches, which show femininity and also display somewhat shorter loin area.
Weight: From 13.5-19 kg. The Australian Dingo is a raw boned breed, never carrying excess layers of fat or flesh. Type and balance more important than size.
FAULTS - Any departure from the foregoing points shall be considered a fault and the seriousness of the fault should be in exact proportion to its degree.
NOTE - Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.