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Australian Pardogge

Considered by many to be the same breed as the Italian Pardog, this rugged farmdog is actually an "offshoot" that was developed by the same person that created its Italian counterpart. Upon returning from a visit to Australia in 1986, Luigi Langella decided to design a superiour working breed for the Australian farmers. By using his Italian Pardogge and crossing it with the Dingo, he managed to create a superb flock defender and herder. The breed is reportedly also an excellent personal protection dog, property guardian and even a capable hunter.

Like its Italian cousin, the Australian Pardog is still not fully standardized, but most specimens have erect ears, strong muzzles, muscular bodies and short dense coats, preferred in Dingo-like yellow, fawn and wheaten colourings. Average height is around 20 inches, but larger dogs exist.

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