Bakerwali Breed Facing Extinction
Bakerwali dog on verge of extinction
A survey conducted by TRCF reveals drastic fall of shepherd dog found in Hindukush and Himalayan belt of India. At present only few hundred are left. Dozens die because of throat, rabies and other infections as no effective vaccine can be found.. CJ: Rajesh Bhat , 20 Apr, 2008
The last of Bakharwal dogs
THE SAYING that every dog has its day holds aptly true in case of rare species of shepherd dog, popularly known as Bakerwali dog in Jammu and Kashmir.
According to a recent survey, the nomadic Gujjars and Bakerwals of this state are fast losing this rarest of rare traditional and indigenous species, who has since ages, guarded this tribal community and their live-stocks in hilly, remote and jungle areas. The survey conducted by Tribal Research and Cultural Foundation (TRCF), an organisation working on tribal affairs of India, has expressed its dismay that this rugged and courageous shepherded dog, which has the distinction of giving a tough fight to wild animals like bears and even lions, is among the most threatened species in the world and is at the verge of extinction.
Dr Javaid Rahi, national secretary of TRCF said that since 1990, there has been a steep decline in number of Bakerwali shepherded dogs, as hundreds of such rare dogs were killed during insurgency in the state. As per the survey, the Bakerwali shepherd dog is an ancient working breed found in the Hindukush and Himalayan belt of Indian sub-continent, where it has been bred for many centuries by the Gujjar nomadic tribes as a livestock guardian and settlement protector. Survey further reveals that at present there are only a few hundred dogs left of this particular species, surviving in most difficult and inhospitable conditions. Dozens of dogs die every year because of throat, rabies and other infections, for which no effective vaccine is available in hilly and remote areas.
To the disadvantage of this rare specie of dog, the female gives birth to pups only once in a whole year. And the number of such pups are not more than three, while other breeds of the dogs have potential of giving birth to four to 12 pups at a time and that too twice a year. CJ: Rajesh Bhat The survey further revealed that the voracious Bakerwali dogs eat only milk products and bread and surprisingly avoid raw as well as cooked flesh. This dog would rather prefer to stay hungry, but will not eat meat neither attack any member of the herd of goats and sheep. Instead, it considers it a primary duty to protect the herds of sheep and goats during the tribal migrations and dares to challenge even lions or tigers in the jungles.
Known for loyalty, this dog has a straight back, broad shoulders and long legs. The body of Bakerwali dog is strongly boned, with a powerful neck and large head. This dog has the history of not only fighting on its dung-hill, but has been of immense help to the security force personnel in catching hold of the militants in the upper reaches of Himalayas, when militancy was at its peak. It was possibly one such reason that the dog became an eye-sore for the anti-national elements who exhausted their ammunition in liquidating the animal