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Although this is a term sometimes used to describe heavier and overly Bloodhound-like examples of the Fila Brasileiro, the Bloodafila is also an unrecognized working cross between the two breeds. In appearance closer to the Bloodhound than a Brazilian Mastiff, this is a large, powerful and heavy dog, more agile than the Bloodhound and reportedly less aggressive than the Brazilian breed, while making an alert and intimidating watchdog, as well as a good hunting and tracking dog.

The head is large, with pendulous ears and lips, a strong neck and broad shoulders. Heavily boned, the body has a deep chest and long legs.

The coat is short and common in wheaten, fawn, red and brown shades, as well as in brindle and "saddle-back" colourings, with or without white markings. Average height is around 28 inches.

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