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Border Terrier

With roots in the ancient Eastern breeds, such as the Jamar, Alopekis and Bosnian Barak, the Border Terrier is believed to be the oldest British terrier, developed in the Cheviot hillside in the border region between Scotland and England by fox hunters and bred to a consistent type since the early 18th century. This driven hunting dog was prized for its gameness and speed, as well as its intelligence and trainability. The Border Terrier needed to be fast enough to follow the hunters on horseback and fierce enough to go after the foxes and confront them inside their underground dens. A tireless working dog, the Border Terrier also made an excellent vermin killer and an alert property watchdog. Because it was commonly employed as a pack hunter, this breed isn't as unfriendly towards other dogs as most terriers, but it will not back away from a fight if provoked. Devotion to its owner and playful personality made this rugged worker a popular family companion and the Border Terrier found its way into the Show Rings in the 1870's. The first breed club was formed in 1920 and this lovely little dog was recognized later that year by the English Kennel Club, followed by the official acceptance by the AKC a decade later.

The Border Terrier is an agile dog, strongly built and broad-headed, sometimes likened to an otter by the breed's enthusiasts. Healthy and remarkably resilient, this is an adaptable breed, suited for a variety of environments and equally content with both rural and urban life. Energetic, pleasant and friendly, the Border Terrier loves the company of people, but requires early socialization and reasonable supervision, due to its natural tendency to chase small animals.

The coat is harsh, thick and moderately short, most commonly seen in solid wheaten shades, but also allowed in red, black and grizzle colourings with tan markings. Average height is around 10 inches.

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