Cao de Fila de Sao Miguel
Cao de Fila de Sao Miguel
ORIGIN: Portugal
Date of publication of the standard: l984
Utility: Cattle dog
Classification: F.C.I. group I- Division -Cattle dogs with a working test
Cattle dog of the Sao Miguel Island ( Azores ) also known as Cow Dog
His history is linked to the already extinct Fila da Terceira
There are references to the Fila de Sao Miguel dog starting from the beginning of the last century.
A little longer than higher, strong and rustic
A working dog by excellence but also a good guard dog of the property or as a protection dog. A dog with a very sharp temperament but docile to his master. Very intelligent with a great capacity to learn. Due to his function as a cattle dog he bites low with the objective not to harm the redders of the cows. Nevertheless he may bite higher when handling stray cattle.
Strong, square, with the superior longitudinal axis parallel to the cranial/facial axis
Skull - Wide, slightly curved, with the occipital protuberance slightly apparent
Stop - Well pronounced
Nose - Wide, black
Muzzle - The top of the muzzle is straight from a side view but slightly curved from a front view being a little shorter than the length of the skull.
Lips - Well pigmented, neatly fitted, firm, not pendant, covering completely the inferior gums, with a slightly curved underline.
Maxilars- Very strong, well developed, with good setting
Teeth - Complete dentition in a scissors or pincer bite
Eyes - Of oval shape, expressive, slightly deep, of dark chestnut color, horizontally positioned, of medium size
Ears - Should be attached high above the medium level. When not cropped they are of medium size, triangular, pendant, a little away from the cheeks. They are correctly cut rounded
Neck - Well constructed, strong, of medium length. Does not have delaps.
Strong, muscular, with an ample chest
Chest - Wide and well descended
Back line - Straight
Loin - Of medium lenght, wide, well muscled
Inferior line - With an ascending line, belly and flank proportional to the body
Croup or Rump - Of medium lenght in relation to the body, with a slightly higher croup than the withers
Strong, straight, correctly apart. Front angulation slightly open
Strong legs of medium size, well muscled
Forearm - Heavy and well muscled
Carpus - Heavy boned
Metacarpus or Pastern - broad of medium length
Feet - Oval. Strong toes and nails
Strong, correctly apart
Thighs - long, well muscled with a good angulation at the stifle
Legs - of medium length, well muscled
Tarsus - of medium lenght. May show dewclaws
Feet - Oval, with strong toes not too curved. Strong nails
Tail - Set on high, thick, of medium size and slightly curved.
It is to be docked at the 2 1/4 or 3 1/4 vertebrae
Short, smooth,dense, with strong texture, slightly fringed at the tail, anal region and hindlegs
Colors - fawn, grey or yellow in light or dark tonalities but always brindle. It is permissible to have white markings on the frontal region or on the chest and also on the front and hind feet
Skin - Is thick and pigmented
The movement is easy and flexible. While moving the dog twists slightly his hindquarters in a sway motion.
Height - 50 to 60 cms for males ( l9.5 to 23.4 inches )
48 to 58 cms for females ( 18.77 to 22.62 inches)
Should be penalized: slight undershot bite
Convergent skull/facial axis (should be parallel)
Severe overshot bite
Divergent skull/facial axis (should be parallel)
Any other deviation from this standard is considered a fault that will be penalized in accordance to its extension.