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Corso Pugliese

Not to be confused with the American Corso Dog, the Corso Pugliese of Canada is also different from the Cane Corso Italiano and is seen as a true continuation of the Italian breed and its specific type from Puglia, hence the breed's new name, which is known as Cane Corso Ortognato in Italy. This is a recent addition to the world of Molossers, but is in no way a newly created or "designed" breed. The Canadian Cane Corso fanciers have been importing their dogs from Italy for many years and have succesfully established an uniformed type, which cannot be said of the American Corso Dog, but is unfortunately something that the breeders of the Cane Corso Italiano have also failed to achieve since the beginning of the revival efforts.

While the American "breed" is a cross of Neapolitan Mastiffs, Rottweilers, Bandogges and some imported dogs from Italy, and the official Cane Corso Italiano is based on a variety of Italian strains of the Cane e Presa type, as well as having a fair ammount of Boxer and Bullmastiff blood running through its veins, the Canadian-based Corso Pugliese is founded on the best representatives of Italian and Canadian-bred dogs, with the original Puglia variety being used as the breed's ideal type. It is worth mentioning that the Corso Pugliese and its official breed club in Canada have the "blessing" of Dr.Paolo Breber, who has been one of the leading forces in the Corso revival efforts in Italy since the early days of the programme.

The Canadian Federal Goverment's Office of Agriculture has officially accepted the Corso Pugliese and will only recognize this Canadian dog and the Cane Corso Italiano as separate breeds, but it will not recognize any other Corso-type breed, including the American variety. The Cane Corso Italiano can still be registered with the CKC, while the Corso Pugliese will receive CFC registration.

The Corso Pugliese is bred for a steady and reliable temperament, in personality resembling the original Italian dogs used for controlling cattle, hunting large game and property protection duties. An excellent watchdog and personal guardian, this rugged working breed also makes a good family companion. It responds well to obedience training and is playful with its owners, but the Corso Pugliese still requires early socialization, responsible handling and a fair ammount of excercise, because it is a dominant and territorial breed, which can be unfriendly towards strangers and confrontational with unfamiliar dogs if not raised properly. A well-bred and trained Corso Pugliese is an even-tempered and mild-mannered dog, although its natural guarding instincts will ensure that its priorities are with the safety of its master, family and property.

This is a well-boned and muscular Molosser, with a strong neck, powerful head and long, sturdy legs. The head shouldn\'t be reminiscent of that of a Boxer, Bullmastiff or any other breed, but instead must be nicely proportioned, with defined jaws and powerful muzzle, not unlike the original Puglia population of the Cane e Presa Italiano working group of Molossers. The ears can be cropped, in which case the classic Italian "gladiator" crop is the preferred style, while the tail is docked in the same manner as with the Neapolitan Mastiff and the Cane Corso Italiano.

The coat is short, flat and dense, coming in solid shades of fawn, blue, black and brindle, with small white markings tolerated on the chest. The Corso Pugliese is a fairly large dog, but must at all times remain athletic and functional, ideally not taller than 28 inches at the withers.

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