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Grand Bleu de Gascogne

With origins tracing back to ancient times, the Grand Bleu de Gascogne is one of the oldest scenthounds introduced to France by Phoenician merchants. Established in the Midi region during the Middle Ages as a superb hunter of wolves, boars, deers and other large game, this massive hound eventually became rare in its native land, due in part to the disappearance of wolves. However, its popularity soared in America in the 1700's and the Large Blue Gascony Hound remains more common in the U.S. than France to this day.

This powerful breed is a hard working, resilient and tenacious hunter, valued for its stamina and reliable temperament. The Grand Bleu works equally well as a single gundog and as a pack hound, but it is its intelligence and loyalty that make it an amenable companion when raised and handled properly. Muscular, well-boned and reasonably athletic, this is a healthy and longlived breed, some specimens reportedly reaching over 15 years of age.

The weatherproof coat is thick and flat. Although black and blue shades were the most prized in France in the past, the majority of modern dogs come in a range of mottled and blue merle tricolor shades with tan and white markings. Average height is around 27 inches.

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