Indian Boarhound

Native to Rajapalayam, Kerela and Tamil Nadu, this rugged hound is still fairly numerous in India, often kept as a watchdog and companion pet, commonly seen competing in local Dog Shows. Calm, trainable and loyal, the Rajapalayam is a reliable family dog, but can be confrontational around strange dogs if not socialized properly. Lean, deep-chested and leggy, this breed is very resilient and reportedly tireless when working. Its skin is tighter on the body, but somewhat loose on the neck and head, with some wrinkling accepted.
The short coat is smooth and flat, most valued in uniform white or spotted Harlequin colourings, but quite common in other shades, like fawn, red, silver and black. The nose is either the same colour as the coat or pink in white dogs. Average height is around 27 inches with some rare specimen standing over 30 inches.