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Korean Dosa Mastiff

This breed should not be confused with the Japanese Tosa, even though they are related. Unlike its Japanese cousin, the Mee-Kyun Dosa is not a fighter at all and is bred primarily as a companion pet and local Show dog. There is also the fighting Too-Kyun Dosa variety, which is considered by some to be nothing more than a Korean/Taiwanese strain of the Japanese Tosa breed. The Mee-Kyun Dosa was supposedly developed in the late 1800's from a variety of imported European and Asian working breeds, but some suspect that it was actually established as a recognizable type by crossing the Japanese Tosa-Inu with the Neapolitan Mastiff and the Dogue de Bordeaux over the last 50 years. However, the breed has initially most likely been created from the same stock of dogs as the Tosa Inu of Japan, with reportedly a fair amount of Saint Bernard and English Mastiff blood being added in the 2nd half of the 20th century. Regardless of its true ancestry, the present-day "Beauty" Dosa was established through generations of inbreeding and selection based on appearance, coat colour and temperament.

In appearance almost identical to a red-coloured variety of the Neapolitan Mastiff, the Mee-Kyun Dosa is a massive, large and loose-skinned Molosser, somewhat lethargic and seemingly sluggish. However, this wrinkled gentle giant is said to have quick reflexes and can make a good property watchdog. Reportedly easy to obedience train, devoted to its owner and loving of children, the Dosa is said to be a good family companion, but it is still rarely seen outside of Korea. The head is large, round and wide, with many wrinkles on the face and hanging ears and lips. The neck is strong and has prominent dewlaps. Wide-chested and tall, the Dosa makes a convincing guardian.

The coat is short, smooth and flat, always coming in shades of deep orange, red and brown, with or without small white markings on the chest. Average height is around 29 inches. Photo Gallery

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