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Mongolian Sheepdog

The standard of breed "The Mongolian sheep-dog"
There can be no structure without function,
And there can exist no functions without structure.
The standard of breed "The Mongolian sheep-dog"
There can be no structure without function,
And there can exist no functions without structure.
General impression about this animal: - a monolith, that is, it has a strong constitution.
These dogs are of an average and above average growth. They have a strong type of constitution, with rather massive skeleton. Their muscles are very dense and strong. The format is basically square. The down limit of growth for male dogs is 60??, for female dogs it is usually 55?? at shoulder. The sexual character is well expressed, male dogs are larger and more massive than female dogs. Having lived during thousand years in changeable and extreme conditions of a life, they have developed powerful intelligence; they are good at work in pack. They are unpretentious – the dogs easily adapt to various climatic conditions - strong, courageous, and spiteful at nature. Being self-sufficient, they also have an innate distrust to strangers.
Peculiarities of behavior. The dogs always behave confidently. Their behavior seems to be cool and imperturbable (phlegmatics). They are easy to manage. Their reaction on excitators is different. The dogs are not disputed.
The comment. Their reaction on excitators is different. The dogs are not disputed – it means this is a confident animal, having both strong character and body.
Head. It is balanced to the general constitution, massive, wide in a cranial part, with advanced, but not prominent cheekbones and ill-defined superciliary arches. Occipital prominence is smoothed due to well developed musculature. The place from a forehead to a face is of a stop-kind. Frontal sulcus is deep and wide. The face at the end is blunt. Its’ length is equal to the length of the cranial part. It is well filled under the eyes, equally wide and deep at the foundation. When being examined in front, from above and in a structure, it is observed in the form of trapezium - a wedge is narrowed to the nose. Completely pigmented nose has the form of a small neat triangle with oval edges. When being examined from above, it exserts the edge of a face. The distinguished feature of a face is its fullness that is why the Mongols called the dog bangkhar, i.e. «having chubby cheeks». The lower jaw is massive and wide. Lips completely and densely close the lower jaw, forming in a corner a fold of skin.
The comment.
Frontal sulcus is deep and wide, that is a structure of a skull is peculiar for mastiff-like dogs.
The distinguished feature of a face is its fullness that is why the Mongols called the dog bangkhar, i.e. «having chubby cheeks», this is a thermal protection worked by the form of an additional adipose layer over the sinus. This element cannot be found at any other breed of dog (unique, high-bred attribute).
Lips completely and densely close the lower jaw, forming in a corner a fold of skin, that is an adaptive attribute of an organism for protection against the drying up dusty storms and chilling winds in the open Goby parts of Mongolia.
Ears. Ears are small, rather narrow, of triangular form, trailing, low put. The foundation is at a level or a little bit below the line of eyes. Ears are covered by a soft short wool. On the internal side of an ear the wool is longer and lighter. There formed small light wisp of beard hair, hanging down from an ear. During a molting, there are reeled up so called “earrings”.
The comment. On the internal side of an ear the wool is longer and lighter. There formed small light wisp of beard hair, hanging down from an ear - This element cannot be found at any other breed of dog (unique, high-bred attribute).
Eyes. The eyes are very expressive, oval, tanned brown. Inward slant of the eyesare widely set. Lids are dry. Pupils are very small as sight of dogs is adapted both for very long and very close distance. Dog looking at the sun, pupils become points. On light, entirely filled irides of the eye are brown-rusty. They are similar to burning pieces of coal. In the darkness, the eyes of the Mongolian sheep-dogs are red-orange
The comment.
Pupils are very small as sight of dogs is adapted both for very long and very close distance. Dog looking at the sun, pupils become points, - This element cannot be found at any other breed of dog (unique, high-bred attribute).
On light, entirely filled irides of the eye are brown-rusty. They are similar to burning pieces of coal. In the darkness, the eyes of the Mongolian sheep-dogs are red-orange - This element cannot be found at any other breed of dog (unique, high-bred attribute).
Teeth. Teeth are white, large, strongly set on gums. The complete set is 42 teeth. The set is correct and located in regular intervals. A jaw is massive, reveals almost on 180 ?. The jaw has a scissor bite, direct and dense undershot bite without a withdrawal, for dogs at any age.
The comment. A jaw is massive, reveals almost on 180 ? - This element cannot be found at any other breed of dog (unique, high-bred attribute).
Neck. The powerful, short, bent neck is wide at the foundation, low carriage in 30”. It has good muscles; it is covered by dense, almost standing wool. The dewlap is formed only by wool. During the fringe, the part over the occipital neck slightly towers above a head that is why it seems involved in shoulders.
The comment. Low carriage in 30”- That is a direct short way for oxygen to get to the lungs, hence, as a result,high-speed and fighting opportunities of the dog increase.
Body frame. It is cast, strong, and brawny. A line of top is wide, equal. A breast is deep, wide, with edges so bent that the thorax has the heart-shaped form. This provides the intensive development of the vital parts. This development usually finishes by the 3rd year of life. The forward part of the breast is well developed; it is put forward from a shoulder. The breast bone is lowered below elbows. The general impression of massiveness of a forward part of a trunk is amplified during fringe due to well-defined withers, a wide cranial part of a head, and a deep, wide and extensional breast. The belly is moderately tightened. The back is strong, wide, direct, with well developed muscles. The waist is short, wide, elastic, it forms a small camber. The croup is wide, brawny, with a light inclination, it is of the medium length. All body frame looks as a unit, a monolith - it has a characteristic square form.
The comment.
The thorax has the heart-shaped form , - Only dogs of the Tibetan origin can have this form of a thorax.
Such abnormally wide thorax provides the intensive development of the vital parts.
The increased volume of a thorax means the increased volume of lungs, and this means the increased volume of oxygen in the lungs, and thus intensive access of oxygen to blood. It provides more intensive recovery after running and fighting with carnivores.
Solidity of the body frame reveals the dog’s being good at fighting.
Tail. The tail is high set, thick, with the dense and fluffy wool that forms on the low side dewlap from 15 up to 30?? long. The excited dog holds a tail up at an acute angle o, just as a dense ringlet which during the fringe forms so-called “shaggy jack”. The quiet dog has the tail held as a "log". The length of a tail is up to the heel joints. On the end of a tail there is a characteristic hook, and a whitish lock-brush (like a horsetail) which is much longer than the beard hair. It is like rough horsehair which serves for the drain of water.
The comment. On the end of a tail there is a characteristic hook, and a whitish lock-brush (like a horsetail) which is much longer than the beard hair - This element cannot be found at any other breed of dog (unique, high-bred attribute).
Forelegs. The dog being examined anteriorly, legs are wide and parallelly set . Metacarpi are slightly inclined, strong, and sinewy. Shoulders are brawny; the corner of the humeroscapular joint is 90 degrees. The length of a forward leg at an elbow is a little bit more or equal to half of height of a dog in withers. The index of Leg Height is 59-60 %.
The comment. The corner of the humeroscapular joint is 90 degrees - such corner is one of the factors providing the high speed of movement, the ability to long-term movement, and also high disingenuity and mobility in fighting with carnivores. Even on a high speed the Mongolian sheep-dog can immediately easily change the direction for 180 degrees.
Hind legs. The dog being examined from behind, the hind legs are direct and parallel, set a little bit more widely than the forelegs. The hips are wide and brawny. The shins are of average length, the hind pasterns are short, low, steeply set. The corners of the stifles and the heels are well defined (straightened).
The comment. The hind pasterns are short, low, steeply set - one of residual attributes of a mountain origin of the dog. It serves for stability during vertical movement.
Paws. Paws are small, neat, round. Fingers are collected in a special manner which the specialists call "kitty". There are downiness between fingers. Dogs living at the areas of the South Goby in Mongolia have to go on sand, so their paws are irregular.
The comment. The connection between the structure and its’ function cannot be followed precisely ( it is still difficult to get enough material), but there are some supposition for the paws to be of smaller size: Paws are small, neat, round. Fingers are collected in a special manner which the specialists call "kitty", - Small and tough paw is necessary for high-speeding and going for a long distance.
in the cats’ family, cheetah has the smallest paw and at the highest speed of movement;
in the family of artiodactyles , the horses with a small round hoof have higher speed;
wild goats have to move quickly for a long distance to survive, so their hooves are smaller than domestic goats have.
Skin. Skin is thin, elastic.
The comment. The skin of the dog on quality coincides with the skin of the Mongolian cashmere goats .It proves the biological status of the Mongolian origin of the dog.
Fleece. The wool is smooth and shining, velutinous. Its’ texture is similar to something average between a wool of a sable and a fur seal. Guard hair and integumentary hair is thin, but rigid, elastic, straight, standaway, not silky and not wavy. Down hair forms very dense underfur which has up to 75 % of it. The neck and the shoulders are covered by dense wool. It is similar to mane. There are a kind of "trousers" on the hips of the hind legs. Other parts of body has wool of an approximately identical length. Dogs living in the areas of the South Goby have wool of 5-7?? long. Dogs living in the northwest areas have wool of 7-10?? long. Male dogs have much better fur than female dogs.
The comment. The wool is smooth and shining, velutinous. Its’ texture is similar to something average between a wool of a sable and a fur seal, - This element cannot be found at any other breed of dog (unique, high-bred attribute). This element cannot be found at any other breed of dog (unique, high-bred attribute).
Color. It is blackish, deep black and seldom red. There is always a small well defined white spot on a breast that speaks about hereditary conservatism of the breed. The reddish-brown shade of black wool that the first and the second color have is probably caused by the red wolves living in the Central Asia. The vast majority of individuals has light rim around eyes – a kind of "glasses". Any other color points out the influence of other breeds of dogs, the dog being not thoroughbred, or direct crossbreeding with the wolf. It cannot be hereditary.
The comment. Is blackish, deep black and seldom red. There is always a small well defined white spot on a breast that speaks about hereditary conservatism of the breed, - classical Tibetan mastiff has the same color.
Voice. Hoarse bass.
Movements. The Mongolian sheep-dog moves at a trot easily or a trace in a trace, at high speed at gallop or full gallop. Movements are always precipitate in the line. It proves vestibular apparatus. The dog uses slow gait. The Mongolian sheep-dogs are usually dignified and calm.
The comment. Movements are always precipitate in the line - the same property the Tibetan danes have (according to Anna Mikhalskaya's description, «The Atlas of the noble breeds »), but this cannot be told about modern Tibetan mastiffs.. I personally have never seen them going in the line. Maybe, they are able to fly.
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