Old Bosnian Greyhound

Some revival efforts were reported in the late 1980's, but the devastating Yugoslavian conflicts during the last decade of the 20th century unfortunately put those plans on hold. In recent years, some claims have been made in Croatia that this is in fact the same breed as the Croatian Greyhound, but this is most certainly incorrect. The Bosnian breed is much older and clearly different than the rare Staro-Hrvatski Hrt, although they are undeniably related. Smaller than its Serbian counterpart and taller than the Croatian Greyhound, the Staro-Bosanski Hrt is a muscular, slender and deep-chested working dog, with long sturdy legs and elegant appearance.
The coat is smooth, flat and short, always white in colour, with small black, brown, red, brown or brindle markings. Average height is around 27 inches.