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Portuguese Shepherd Dog

The lively Cao da Serra de Aires was developed from imported Briards and eastern bearded ovcharkas, as well as the Catalan Sheepdog, Pyrenean Labrit and other working breeds in the 1800's. An excellent flock herder and guardian, this energetic and resilient breed is capable of working for long periods of time in a variety of climates. Its alert and intuitive personality make it a good watchdog.

The Portugese Shepherd Dog almost became extinct during the first half of the 20th century and by the 1970's only a dozen of these wonderful dogs are believed to had survived. Fortunately, the breed has always enjoyed a loyal following and is today once again a popular rural and urban companion in its native country. Friendly, even-tempered and trainable, the Cao da Serra de Aires makes an amenable family pet.

The coat is long, shaggy and dense, commonly seen in shades of gray, fawn, yellow, brown, black and black-n-tan. Average height is around 21 inches.

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