Portuguese Water Dog

The Portugese Water Dog was used to herd fish into nets, drag nets back to the boats, dive to retrieve fishing equipment and even carry messages from one boat to the other. As the traditional fishing methods were being replaced by modern advancements, the Cao de Agua became very rare in the first half of the 20th century. Through efforts of a successful shipping magnate named Vasco Bensuade and the breed's introduction to America, the Portugese Water Dog found new popularity as a working breed, a show dog and a companion animal.
The Cao de Agua gets along with other dogs, loves children and is easy to obedience train. There are two types, separated only by coat. The longhaired variant is called Cao de Agua de Pelo Ondulado and the curly-coated variety is known as Cao de Agua de Pelo Encaradolado.
The prefered colouring is black, but brown, white and bicoloured dogs are equally common and accepted. Average height is around 21 inches.