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Redbone Coonhound

Even though the name "Redbone" has been commonly used by American hunters to describe any red-coated hound since the late 18th century, it wasn't until the mid-1800's that the Redbone Coonhound was formed as a breed, when George F.L.Birdsong decided to develop a consistent and uniformed strain of specialized coon-hunting dogs, possessing the desired temperament and appearance traits. By using the common red-colored curs and hounds of the time and crossing them with English and American Foxhounds, Birdsong laid a foundation for the modern Redbone Coonhound breed. Some St.Hubert Hound blood was added for size and drive, but it also resulted in some color inconsistencies, creating a strain known as the "Saddlebacks", named after the most common Bloodhound coloring. By the last decade of the 19th century, this bicoloured strain has been fully eliminated through careful selection practices and the Redbone Coonhound was established as a pure red hunting dog of medium size, prized for its fantastic stamina, recognizable voice and sheer physical beauty. This tenacious worker gained official recognition from the United Kennel Club in 1902 and has remained a popular breed in the United States ever since.

The Redbone Coonhound is an agile and resilient hunter, possessing a strong treeing and trailing drive. This is a versatile working breed, fully adaptable to different terrains. Equally at home hunting in the valley and in the mountains, the Redbone is also a very good swimmer. Although they're primarily used to hunt raccoons, large packs of Redbone Hounds are sometimes used to track and hunt cougars, bears and other large game in America. Even-tempered, loyal and trainable, the Redbone makes an agreeable family companion. This is a handsome and well-built breed, with a broad chest and strong neck. The body is muscular, with straight and sturdy legs.

The coat is short and flat, preferred in solid red shades, but acceptable with small white markings on the chest and paws. Average height is around 25 inches.

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