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Shiloh Shepherd

The Shiloh Shepherd was developed in the 1980's by Tina Barber in the State of New York. Originally a breeder of German Shepherd Dogs, the German-born Barber wasn't happy with the quality of American dogs, so she decided to revive the "old style" giant GSDs she claimed to had grown up with. However, the original Von Stephanitz dogs were nowhere near as large as the supposed "true" GSDs of Barber's childhood, which were actually developed in the years following WW2 and were heavily influenced by Soviet service dogs, such as the Caucasian Ovcharka and others. Regardless, Tina Barber became known as the breeder of giant German Shepherd Dogs and in 1974 she changed her kennel name to "Shiloh Shepherd Kennel". By breeding for size, hips and temperament, Barber believes that she created what is seen by many as a clearly superiour alternative to the overbred, unhealthy and unstable American GSD representatives. Her dogs were initially a result of introducing selected European strains into the American and Canadian bloodlines of the GSD, but breeds such as the Alaskan Malamute, American Tundra Shepherd, Sarplaninac, Great Pyrenees, Tervuren and others were reportedly part of the programme as well. However, apart from admitting to the use of the Alaskan Malamute early on, the creator of the Shiloh Shepherd strongly denies the employment of any other breeds as outcrosses. Generations of planned inbreeding, linebreeding and outcrossing established a recognizable type and by the late 1980's the Shiloh Shepherd was on its way to become a separate breed. Tina Barber set up her "satellite breeders" across the country and created a club and registry, promoting health and temperament testing for all Shiloh Shepherds.

In 1991 the Shiloh Shepherd was recognized as a new breed and was accepted by A.R.B.A. (American Rare Breed Association). The Shiloh Shepherd was becoming increasingly popular and commonly seen at rare-breed shows during the 1990's. Some breed enthusiasts believed that Shilohs should get even further removed from its GSD roots by allowing for a greater variety of colours and appearance standards, while others were content with breeding their giant versions of the GSD. Political disagreements among the breeders and fanciers led to splits within the club, resulting in numerous new registries. These conflicts and rivalry between Shiloh registries are still apparent to this day. The growing popularity of the Shiloh Shepherd has unfortunately resulted in the appearance of some questionable bloodlines and uncharacteristic specimens, such as those with temperament issues and hip problems, but there are still a few dedicated and passionate breeders that are doing their best to ensure that this handsome breed remains the healthy and reliable dog it should be.

Much larger and heavier than the GSD, Shiloh Shepherds can seem a bit sluggish at times, but this breed makes a capable working dog, due to its intelligence and willingness to learn. Expected to balm, serious and intuitive around people, the Shiloh Shepherd is suited for the life of an urban companion. When bred and raised properly, it is obedient, playful and generally loving of children. Although it is promoted as a charmingly relaxed and friendly breed, the Shiloh is nonetheless protective of its territory and makes a capable watchdog. The body is well-boned and muscular, with a strong neck and a deep chest. Elegantly broad-headed, massive and with a straight back, this breed is quite different than the German Shepherd Dog, although they might seem similar.

There are two coat varieties accepted, these being the smooth and plush types. A wide range of colours is allowed, from typical GSD "saddle-back" colourings to shades of grey, golden, silver, red, cream, brown, black, white, sable and black-n-tan. Small white markings on the chest are acceptable. The average height is around 30 inches.

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