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Talbot Hound

One of the oldest European scenthound breeds, the Talbot Hound was instrumental in the development of a number of hunting dogs, most notably the famous Bloodhound. Descended from ancient Eastern mastiffs crossed with Northern and Southern Hounds, this was a large and heavy dog, bred for hunting foxes, hares and other game. Found in both England and France, these impressive white hounds were prized for their purity and working abilities in the 12th century. Even though the breed eventually became extinct itself, the Talbot Hound's influence can still be felt today in a wide variety of dogs worldwide, such as Boxers, Basset Hounds, American Coonhounds, Spanish Hounds and many others.

Large-headed, broad-nosed and with typically pendulous ears, the massive Talbot Hounds were built for stamina and strength, rather than speed. ,p>The coat was short, coarse and flat, preferred in uniform white, but also commonly seen in piebald colourings. Average height was around 27 inches.

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