Tibetan Kyi-Apso
The Kyi-Apso is a dog Immediately distinctive by Its full, long coat. especially Its ‘bearded” face. Further, the Kyi-Apso Is generally distinctive when moving by its rolling yet vertical topline gait. The breed also has a characteristic deep sonorous bark. The temperament. the Kyi-Apso brings together the unusual mix of being “laid back”. stoic, territorial and playful. The Kyi-Apso willingly allows itself to be restrained for long periods. yet. when released and allowed in run, shows running speed and agility almost unmatched by other dog breeds. Under Its thick coat, the Kyi-Apso is long legged with a light bone structure and dense musculature evolved for a uncompromising working life on the harsh Tibetan Plateau.
The head appears, because of the distinctive facial hair, in be larger than It is in reality. In proportion, the base of the head is at least two and a quarter times wider between the ears than at Its muzzle. Stop - comes midway between the base of the skull and the front of the nose. The sinp Is marked, but not abrupt. Ears are pendant. V-shaped and as long as the skull’s width. with placement at eye level The skull crown is flat with a marked occipital crest Eyes are set at the outside of the skull The muzzle is tightly formed around the bone structure with the “beard” suggesting a fuller muzzle. Neither upper nor lower jaws are pendant. Lips and nose are both completely black. Eyes are deep ambor colored with an almond shape. Disqualification’s:
Pendant lips, light pigment In eyes. lip or nose: head width exceeding two and a half times the muzzle width.
The body is well balanced In appearance. In overall proportions. Kyi-Apsos appear to be longer than mathematically they usually measure out to be. the length (from chest front to back of hindquarters I generally being 10% greater than the height at the shoulders. The topline is level. The brisket does not reach the elbows. The chest is compact but not deep. Loins are tight. pulled In to be noticeably narrower than the chest with a tuck. Tail - Set high. when relaxed It reaches below the hocks. It is earned In a forward full plume of more than a full curl over the back of one hip. Feathering is preferred. Neck -Muscular, broad and strong. Its length is 20% longer than the head width. When dog is at attention, the neck shows a crest. It flows without Interruption into the chest and head. Disqualification’s: A body proportion of where length equals height at shoulders: a tail of less than a full curl, a neck whose length equals head width.
Broad and powerful. Shoulders lay close to the body. Bone structure is not heavy or coarse. Legs are straight down in the pasterns. Length of leg from foot to elbow must exceed half of the distance to withers but not exceed 60%. Dew claws are present. Pads are thick and tough. round and compact
Muscled, the hindquarters provide strength for quick burst of speed but are not massive or coarse boned. When seen from rear, hindquarters are slightly bowed from crotch to hock. Below the hocks, legs slant out Paws are round and compact with strongly arched toes.
The Kyi-Apso has a distinctive long coat Although the dog obtains Its name from this characteristic, coat length should never approach the length of the Lhasa Apso or Tibetan Terrier.
Kyi-Apsos must have a weather resistant double coat. The is long and full and is firm in texture. The under exceedingly soft and dense. Its length and amount varies’ season and geographic region. Dogs with reduced undercoats due to climatic reasons should not be penalized. Coat on the forelegs and rear of metatarsus may be noticeably thicker and longer. There is to be no trimming or shaving of the dog’s hair. Coat on face and muzzle must be profuse. giving the distinctive “beard” appearance. Color - any color is permitted. Black or black with a white chest spot are the most common in Tibet, but golden, white and chocolate are also found in Tibet and are equally acceptable. Disqualification - The absence of a facial beard.: the absence of double coat.
In motion shows a trot with a marked bounce, where the topline shows up and down movement. The dog has exceptional speed and agility in an open run. In movement. It shows good extension of both fore and hind legs. The Kyi-Apso must be sure footed and balanced In at time of movement. Disqualification - A dog that shows awkwardness of movement or lack of sure footedness.
Height - Females: 22 to 26 inches. Males: 23 to 28 inches. Weight - Females: in excess of seventy pounds are considered overweight. Males: In excess of eighty-five pounds. It is traditionally an athletic dog and excess weight is definitely no part of its tradition.
An energetic dog that enjoys running and activity. When confined. the dog will be patient for long periods. The Kyi-Apso is exceptionally intelligent showing a natural tendency for problem solving. It identifies closely with its family and territory and announces visitors with its distinctive, deep throated bark (Indeed. traditionally in Tibet. the bark is one of the dogs most important features and preferential consideration should be given to dogs with acceptable barks.) This dog should should show no indications of nervousness or high strung characteristics.
DISQUAIIFICATION’S: Unprovoked aggression.
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