Turkish Bulldog

There is little attention paid to any appearance standards, but two main types of the Turkish Bulldog are found today; the smaller dogs used for pit fighting and the larger variant supposedly employed for baiting duties, although such Pit-Kans are also usually battling other dogs more than doing anything else. The body is generally muscular, with broad shoulders and a wide chest. The head is large, with the length of the muzzle depending on the dog's ancestry, with American Bulldog and Bullmastiff-based crosses usually having shorter muzzles and rounder heads. Most dogs tend to have a shorter back than a Kangal, but the appearance of multi-generational crosses can be deceiving at times. The dense coat varies in length, coming in all colours. Ears and tails are usually removed at birth, but many dog are left unaltered.
The coat is short and flat, common in a variety of colourings, with the most common ones being cream, fawn, black and brindle, with or without a black mask or white markings on the chest and feet. The average height is 22 inches for the smaller type, while the largest specimens can reach up to 27 inches at the withers.