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Turkish Pointer

Known as the Catalburun in its homeland, meaning "fork-nose", the Turkish Pointer is a rare hunting breed, closely associated with the city of Mersin in the Tarsus province, but rarely found elsewhere. Its ancestry is not known, but some believe that the breed is descended from European pointers and hounds introduced to the country by Turkish nobility, while other fanciers claim that it is in fact the ancestor of those very breeds. A number of pointing breeds from Greece could have played a part in the Catalburun's establishment as well, since the Greeks inhabited the region for centuries prior to 1922. Due to the limited gene pool, almost all of the modern specimens are heavily inbred, but so far no known hereditary health issues have been reported. The Turkish Pointer is neither standardized nor recognized, but the breed is fairly uniform in type and a valued local partridge hunter. Usually employed as a single dog when hunting, the Catalburun is said to be unfriendly towards other dogs, although some Turkish hunters use small packs of these rugged workers on occasion. This is generally a calm breed, but it can be aloof with strangers and is quite alert and territorial, making a capable property watchdog. Gentle with children and devoted to its master, the Turkish Pointer is an amenable companion, but it requires a good amount of excercise and is happiest when working.

The breed is smaller and heavier than some of its more refined European counterparts, but is remarkably agile and resilient. The Catalburun is prized for its stamina and intelligence, being a committed and intuitive worker. The body is well-boned and muscular, with strong legs, a fairly wide and deep chest and an elegantly broad head with a powerful muzzle. The nose can be either black, brown or pink in colour and is split in half at the center, very similar to the trademark features associated with some old Portuguese and Spanish working pointing dogs.

The coat is short, smooth and flat, seen in a variety of colours, but most common in white-based colourings with darker patches, ranging from yellow, orange and wheaten to red, brown and black shades, as well as tricoloured. Average height is around 20 inches.

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