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Valley Bulldog

General Description : The perfect Valley Bulldog should be of medium height and size with a large broad head, sturdy muscular body with a thick neck of short to medium length. The Valley Bulldog posses a broad chest and shoulder area and a thick powerful rear end. Valley Bulldogs should have an excellent temperament and can be quite intelligent.

The temperament is to be very stable and trustworthy. Their disposition should be outgoing, playful yet protective when needed.

Head: Large and broad, deeply sunken between the eyes (medial furrow). The circumference of the head should be equal to or greater than the dog's height at the shoulder.

Fault: Head too small.

Muzzle: Broad, deep and of medium to short in length. The bite is undershot.

Fault: Muzzle too long (more than 3 inches), scissor or even bite.

Eyes: Wide apart and of moderate size. Any color is acceptable.

Fault: Completely white / pink rims.

Nose: From the stop to the end of the nose must be at least an inch.

Fault: Completely pink nose (a small amount is acceptable).

Neck: Short to Medium in length . Should be thick and muscular.

Chest:  Ribs should be well sprung (rounded) and the chest wide and deep.

Fault: Too narrow in the chest.

Back: Medium length with a slight rise from the shoulders to the rump (level back is just as acceptable).

Legs: Forelegs should be stout and wide apart, neither bowing out or turning in.

Fault: Bowing or turned out resulting in poor movement.

Feet: Round and the pasterns should be strong.

Fault: Down in the pasterns or splayed feet.

Height: Males - 15 to 20 inches at the shoulder. Females - 14 to 19 inches at the shoulder.

Weight: Between 45 to 70 lbs. No penalty for dogs above the standard weight as long as the dog is well proportioned.

Color: Various brindles with or without white, white (solid white not preferred), tan, fawn or red.

The coat should be short and smooth.

Ears: Short either button or rose.

Tail: Down to hock naturally or screwed. May be docked, of no major importance.

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