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Gun Ownership

I am a proud member of the National Rifle Association and actively and frequently exercise my 2nd ammendment right as an American Citizen. I also happen to live in a state where gun ownership is the status quo and I also legally "carry". The type of weapon carried depends on the location but the calibre is normally 9MM.  The only difference is the number or rounds and the "footprint" of the weapon. If I am travelling to a place where there may be "trouble" the Springfield XDM9 is my weapon of choice.  If I am going to town, the mall, to hike in the hills, or to a movie my comfort enhancer is typically at Taurus PT111 Millenhium.  For home protection those are also avaulable but are backup for two 12 guage Shotguns, a Remington .270 calibre bolt action, and some other BFG that will remain a secret.

There are many reasons to go armed in the USA and Texans are quite proud of their ability to exercise their 2nd Ammendment rights under the US Constitution.  So, this weekend my neighbor showed me his custom built AR-15 and introduced me to the builder - I ordered one and will have it by my birthday in October with a few 30 round clips and the .22 x .223 converter.  Should be a fun addition to the armory.

Anyway - just wanted to get away from the dog stuff and talk about something else for a minute.  What do you carry or keep?

Comments (2)
    • I prefer a revolver myself.
      Aside from various rifles for hunting, 20 Gauge, in the gun safe, my personal guns are a Ruger .357 revolver, a snub .22 and a rifle .22.
      I currently do not have the concealed carry, but plan to take the course in the next two months.
      Although, I still do not travel 'alone'.

      • Canada has stupid gun laws.
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