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Killed by dogs in Baytown. TX

A 4-year-old boy in Texas died Wednesday morning after suffering injuries sustained during an attack by dogs, according to local authorities.


Comments (3)
    • Have been bitten by my own dogs while breaking up fights - children most likely go into shock when mauled.  The more powerful the dog the greater the owner's responsibility to lead his 'pack' wisely.  Lord have mercy on that child's soul.  Amen.

      • sehr bedauerlich.es kann nicht gesagt werden warum. Es sind Haltung ,Besitzer, die sich hinterfragen müssen. Meiner Meinung ist ein großer Fehler die Hunde zu vermenschlichen alle Rassen nur die Auswirkungen sind schwerwiegender.!!!!!

        • @Horst I agree. Much of the problems are because many owners attach human characteristics to their dogs. 

          When this kind of event happens it is usually the fault of the owner and to a lesser extent the dog.

          Thanks for posting

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