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I added one more picture today of my dog Kodiak (AKA Kodi or Koko) from last summer. He had become increasingly disabled from a progressive neurological illness and did not make it to his 13th birthday. Before he died our walks had shrunk to a few houses up or down the street and he needed a special harness so we could help him to walk.

It is very sad for us to have only one dog now and Henry misses Koko too. Someday we will get another but Henry will have to settle for cat friends now. I still like to look back at the old picture of them together when they were young and playing in the park. Dogs are such a joy in my life but it is so hard to lose them when they get old

Comments (1)
    • Terribly sorry about the loss of your Koko. He must have had a wonderful life with you so now its time for him to go chasing stuff across the rainbow bridge.

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