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Mo Earth Dog Memorial Day Weekend Bash

MQH Paul and EGP Pretty Girl Sasha had a great time while winning awards. They competed in Go to Ground, Super Earth, Barn Hunt, Brush Hunt, Muskat Racing. Terrier Racing, Hudle Racing, Thunder Tunnel, and Lure Coursing.

Comments (2)
    • It is very inspiring to see the way your care for and work your dogs. A working dog is a happy/healthy dog and you prove that with your efforts. Awesome job!

      • It is my opinion that you have to keep a working dog with a job. They need that stimulation. Ideally this breed hunts . The next best thing is trials like this. The get to use their nose and instinct above and below ground. They get to chase things. The get to run with a pack of dogs. They get to chase something I the water. It was fun for them it was work for me....lol

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