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Timeline vs Outline

The new feature of the program that runs molosserdogs.com is something called Outline which displays site information in a masonry grid like pInterest.  I looks and works ok, but a short poll indicated the members wanted the Timeline feature instead.  So, timeline is now the active stream of site interactions and can be seen on the homepage.

It shows new items in an endless scroll like facebook. 

Please comment so I know if you like it. 

Comments (1)
    • Since there as been no comment on this let me explain a little more.

      Outline - is suited for the homepage and shows most interactions with the site.

      Timeline - is suited for your profile page and shows the things that you have posted and your interactions.

      So - have a look at the homepage and then on your profile page - then let me know if you think the Timeline should replace the Outline on the home page.

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