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what's the best dog breed for a family with a 1yo

What would you recommend?

We travel a lot and are looking for a calm yet adventurous companion (medium sized)

Comments (4)
    • Hi Ellie,

      did you want a big dog, long coat, short coat, what is the normal temperature where you will be?

      Generally speaking a Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever, one of the Spaniels would work good for you.  

      If you tell more about the environment where the dog will be, what you expect it to do, and the climate in  your location we can generally give you better pointers.

      Let us know.

      • Thanks a lot for your comment.

        Well, we currently live in Mexico and it's getting pretty hot sometimes. Retriever, Labrador & co are a little big in my opinion.

        We have a huge garden and love beeing outside (long beach walkes). Would be great if our new family member is a little protective, smart & aware, not too affectionate...

        What is your opinion about an Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier?


        • Thanks a lot for your comment.

          Well, we currently live in Mexico and it's getting pretty hot sometimes. Retriever, Labrador & co are a little big in my opinion.

          We have a huge garden and love beeing outside (long beach walkes). Would be great if our new family member is a little protective, smart & aware, not too affectionate...

          What is your opinion about an Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier?


          • When choosing a dog breed for a family with small children, it’s important to consider the dog’s temperament, size, and energy level. Some dog breeds that are known for being good with children include:

            1. Labrador Retriever: Friendly, outgoing, and eager to please, the Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States
            2. Golden Retriever: Loyal, patient, and affectionate, the Golden Retriever is a great family dog that loves to play and cuddle
            3. Beagle: Cheerful, curious, and energetic, the Beagle is a small dog that is great with kids and loves to explore
            4. Irish Setter: Playful, outgoing, and affectionate, the Irish Setter is a high-energy dog that loves to run and play
            5. Boxer: Loyal, energetic, and playful, the Boxer is a great family dog that loves to be around people

            Remember that every dog is unique, and it’s important to choose a dog that fits your family’s lifestyle and personality. It’s also important to teach children how to interact with dogs safely and respectfully. I hope this information helps you find the perfect furry friend for your family! 🐾

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