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American Bully

Today, while at the vet clinic in my little town, I met a guy who brought in a breeding pair of American Bully dogs for health screening. This is the first time I have seen the American Bully up close and I must confess that they are a very impreseeive breed.

I got his contact information and will visit his kennel to see more of the dogs and get some photos. .. more to follow.

Comments (2)
    • what kennel was it? can you post a link? im assuming his dogs were the larger taller type rather then the short English bulldog crossed ones. can you post a link?

      • Hi dogs were the shorter english bulldog looking ones. Very wide bodied and strong looking with good muzzle length.  I sent the gentleman a text message but have not received a reply yet.  He told me he has 9 of them and that they are the ones developed by Dave Wilson

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