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Are half check collars really better than full check chains?

There were a group of instructors actively encourage handlers to use half check collars with their dogs..seemingly whether they 'need' one or not (a very young lab puppy was given one, and her handler must have been about 10..the puppy was clearly confused and the handler continued to drag it around the arena).
The instructors there are trained by the British Institute of Professional Dog Trainers, so I assume they should know what they're talking about.

What do you think are they any better than other methods?

Comments (4)
    • In the past, I'd always used full check collars. Currently, I'm using a half check on my cocker spaniel. Harnesses and retractable leashes are a joke, as you can neither control nor correct the dog. The ten-year old had no business using a full choke collar on that puppy without having been trained herself to use it properly. Not meaning to attack or offend anyone, but I don't think there's ever a reason to use prongs (typically for pullers) or e-collars (the police use them on their dogs). A "trainer" who has to use them is not much of a trainer. It's of the utmost importance that dogs are trained and socialized from puppyhood (8 wks. +) to behave, though I do understand people sometimes acquire their dogs as adults, adults that already come with a set of poor behaviors (such as my cocker). I learned clear back in the 80s from watching Matthew Margolis (Uncle Matty) that all dogs can be taught, that prongs and e-collars are unnecessary - even with difficult dogs, and that there's never an excuse to hit your dog. Remember his commercials? "LOVE, PRAISE, and AFFECTION". I also learned from him why treat training is so bad (a no-brainer, really). I've had to email him a couple of times when I was working with aggressive dogs - one fear aggressive, the other dominant aggressive. Though he's basically retired now, he called me right back, very nice, and more than happy to advise. Yes, I've watched Cesar Milan..... I know many people like him, so I'll just leave it at 'his way is not Uncle Matty's way'. Bottom line, if applied properly, the full check and half check will not harm a dog's throat, and they're effective.
      • Suzannahnoelle 

        well said.  Your very last point is well taken.  As in most things in life it is not the tool, we use but how we use it. The full and half check collars are great tools that are effective in correcting a trained dog.  It is therefore important that the dog understands the meaning of the collar.  It provides both an audible and tactile cue when a correction is necessary, and the dog will learn this very quickly.

        • I'm in agreement. They both are tools. The tool is meaningless in the wrong person hands. But the tools are great when used correctly. It is the person that makes the tool effective or not.

        • I agree - if you use choke - make it full choke. The others are designed to make you feel good about your self and has nothing to do with correcting or controlling the dog.
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