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Chronicles of Nayan

Nayan whelped 1 November 2012 at Ruski Izvor kennel in Serbia arrived in Texas, USA from Belgradge, Serbia on 3 Feb 2013. Nayan is a pup of solid temperament and unique beauty and structure. It will be very interesting to watch him grow and I will chronicle his life here.  So he arrived and the next day receive his rabies shot.

He is an active guardian and easily alerted.  There are deer and other critters that gets his attention quite frequently.  Today he had his first "correction" by Shagi.  He over stepped his boundary with here and was put in his place.  It was cool to watch.  Nope, no photo of that event because I was sitting with a couple neighbors having a beer. :)

 Nayan continues to enjoy his new home and is fitting in nicely. He has met the goats and actually was butted by one of the ewes when he got too close.  Now he has respect for those big white things with horns.  He continues to impress with his intelligence and speed of learning.  He is a very balanced puppy who is constantly alert and interested in his surrounding.  So far so good.

Last week Nayan pushed a little to far with Caesar and received his due correction. He now has a healthy respect for the two big dogs and behave appropriately with them.  Shagi will play with him but Caesar will not.. probably because he is too old to be running around. He is now a part of the pack and in the proper order. 

Yesterday 14 Feb, he was exposed to the riding lawn mower and the weed eater.  He displayed curiosity only and was not "afraid" of those machines. So far he appears well balanced and intelligent and has a very good guarding temperament.... 

Nayan has completely assimilated int the pack now and is starting to explore his surroundings.  On Saturday he got his first snake venom vaccine and will get his next shot in 4 weeks.  As it warms up in south Texas we may encounter a few snakes on the property so it is always good to be prepared. Since he is so curious about everything this is a precaution in case he meets up with a rattler, copperhead or coral snake. I did some mowing and week whacking and he was quite comfortable with those pieces of equipment.  All is going well.

And just a bit older...


It has been a while since I updated Nayan story.  He is 13 months old now and has turned out to be a fantastic Caucasian Ovcharka.  He is a sharp guardian and loyal companion.  He has the uncanny ability to always appear my side without seeming to be on his way.  He is just there.  Somewhat unnerving at first but now I have come to expect that he will be there. It could that he is so much more active then Caesar and Shagi who are getting older that I am not used to an everpresent  dogs anymore. Anyway, Nayan from Ruskiizvor is growing up to be a fantastic Caucasian.  Photos below and more to come.

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