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Mastini Mayhem

Over the past few months I helped one of our members rebuild her Neapolitan Mastiff website using WordPress. I must say that I am quite proud of how the website turned out.  It is now mobile friendly and very pleasing to browse and find information.  Please have a look and post a comment here if you have any suggestions. Visit http://mastinimayhem.com


Comments (7)
    • First I want to say that is awesome. You don't find people too often that will help others.  I will look at the site later when I get in front of a computer.  I know it's mobile friendly, but I prefer to navigate websites, etc on a computer. 

    • Okay, I have had some time to visit the site. It looks good. There are a couple things that I would change. I was taught that on websites you should have your contact information on every page even if you have a contact link. You want you visitors to always have your contact info in front of them. The other thing is the link to molosserdogs.com. It takes the visitors ways from her site. I would make that in internal link so that they are still connected to my website or make it an external link that opens in a new tab or window. That way my website is still up on the users computer. many people that visit websites are lazy and aren't web savvy. They don't know how to go back to a previous page. They won't read to see that they have a back arrow.


      I am also willing to put a link to their site on my website if they are willing to put a link to my site on their site. having sites that link back to your page will help to increase you ranking and google and get you closer to the first page on google.


      Overall like the website!

      • thank you for your review and feedback. I removed the link to molosserdogs and made the contact us lunk stay on the navigation menu. That should be better.

        Check it out and let me know. As far as linking.. that is Jess's call but I am sure she would appreciate the link exchange.

        • Okay, I'll look at it when I get on a computer. 

          I wasn't recommending removing the molosswedog.com link. I was only suggesting that I  not take the users away by ether opening it in a  frame or new tab or new window. 

          • Okay, I have begun to look at it. I haven't looked at all of the pages. I do like how it looks. I see you have added a means to contact them on the pages. That should be fine. I saw thenew feed from Molosser on there. I think I might add the rss feed on my site. I think that is what it is called, I forget.


            I'm not saying this should be changed as I like how it looks. But I'm going to make some changes on my site because of some feedback I got from someone wanting to buy a pup. They said it was hard to read because of the dark background and the color of the text. So I'm going to change to a different background and mabye use whte text like that site. The person was appologetic for telling me this. I told him I was grateful for the input and that I really appreciated that. Along with that I need to make my site mobile friendly. Our introductory page does not work well on mobile. I have to speak to techsupport of our host site or remove the flassh image. I'm not in favor of the whole introductory page, but my sone created it. I didn't originaly put it in. He later changed the site and added thing. I know he did it because it had become common on many websites to have that. I think it is redundent. Then he stopped updating the site so I had to begin updating it again...lol I guess it was fun when I was first teaching him and then he began researching and doing things on his own. Then it must have become work...lol

          • The colors (black and gray) fits very well with the Neapolitan Mastiff!
            I like it !

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